So much moment n memories during 2009 happen to me.
- finish my first degree at the end of 2008.
- jan 2009 :
-Seeking a job by only depends on my result, self marketing and of course kabel2 haaaa..
- Getting job. Nice bosses.and adventures/interesting job scope.happy2..
- receive an offer to go for interview for further my master in mum did not allowed :-( At the same time got another offer to work with another company with gaji yg lebih best n same job scope with the current work.
- My bosses know about my master offer and offer keja baru tu sbb the boss of that company is my bosses friend. So, They try to attrack me to not leave their company with shorten the probation period and salary increment!!.pikir..pikir..and lastly i continue working with them.
- jun 2009 : engaged with my love.
- sept 2009 : seeking for another job because of financial problem in the company. Takut maaa..
- oct 2009 : got a new job. start on nov. send notice to current bosses.they have no choice but have to let me go.but they ask for my help if i can help doing work for their company as a part timer. pikir..pikir lagi. and i pun setuju..
- nov 2009 : start a new work at a new place. got another offer of doing a tak-small-tak-big project for a small company as a side job selain dr my ex-company tu.oh God.What are u trying to tell me.pikir..pikir lagi..Mayb this is a chance for me to explore more about my programming knowledge, PR skill, critical thinking, management skill sbb i penah ada angan2 nak set up my own,mayb this is the training. Dgn sokongan from org2 yg saya sayang i setuju but i have to share the portion with my friend sbb i nak meluaskan lagi pengetahuan i by sharing with him.sbb dia lg pandai and berpengalaman dr i.belipat2 kali ganda dr i yg beginner ni.hehhe..
- busy like a bee with work load, wedding preparation and memenuhi rumah yg i and my love will stay after we get married. Dgn my love nak tukar keta lagi. All in One Time.huaaaa!! But I don't know what is wrong with me because until this moment I'm still not feel tired,angry,menyusahkan or whatever lah..but hanya 1 perasaan yg ada which is PUAS.i feel so glad to feel this kind of feeling. alhamdulillah..i bersyukur sgt dgn apa yg i dapat skang and i promise to keep it up even my life x seenjoy my other sebaya friend. I x dapat dating2 tgk wayang sbb keja i menimbun, i x dapat beauty sleep sampaikan bila i pegi beli barang kosmetik utk hantaran SA kat outlet tu nasihatkan i take rest sikit sbb muka i dah hydrate.mayb i npk tua dr usia kot.cis!!.how dare u.hahha.. I jugak try to fulfill invitation kalau ada org jemput tp sorry kalau i rushing2 sikit sbb ada appoinment.
Combining all of them and it's me in 2010.hehhe..
i'm the first to follow u..nice blog..keep itup
ReplyDeleteMAMASYAZA : thank u :-)