last weekend me n my love manage to paint our house with help of my future PIL. after finish painting we also cuci the whole house like crazy.hhahha..luckily they are willing to help us.kalau x i tak tau la pukul berapa nak siap. sbb i pegi appoinment dgn my freelance partner dulu kat one of coffee house near our house. and then baru i join them painting.this is the pic before i jd maid.hehhe..
Around asar my future sis in law came with her husband to help. so lg pantas.finish around 6 future FIL belanja mkn dinner n after memenuhkan perut we go back home.before sleep i dah berangan for the curtain.hihi..
wahhh soooo xcited...best2..tak sabaq2 nak tgk hasilnya nanti...